"Kau, v. Haw., to hang up, suspend, to tie or gird on, to put or place a thing, to fall upon, to put on, as a burden, to set or fix, as boundaries of a land, or a decree, to promulgate, as a law; in a neuter sense, to light down, as a bird, as a spiritual influence;

adj. a setting of the sun, a resting, a roost for fowls;

kau-a, to hesitate, be in doubt, suspense, to beg off;

kau-o, to draw, as a load; morally, to endure, to incline to, to pray for some special blessing;

kau-oha, a dying charge, bequest, covenant, commission, command;

kau-kai, to wait for an event, to expect;

kau-kau, to take counsel, to resolve, to chide, to reprove, to explain, make clear;

kau-la, a rope, cord, tendon, a prophet, a seer;

kau-la-i, to hang up, put up in the sun;

kau-lana, fame, report, renown;

ma-kau, be ready, prepared;

akau, the right hand (dexter), to be right, to the north, north.

In the Southern dialects we find:

Tong., tau, to hang, overhang, impend, extend to, fit, be suitable; ma-tau, the right hand; ta-tau, equal, like (balanced); tau-la, a cable; tau-ranga, an anchoring place.

Sam., tau, to rest on, light on, fall on; faa-ta-tau, to compare; tau, what is proper and right; tau-au, to tend towards, either decline or increase; tau-me, stretch up the hand and not reach, to desire and not obtain; tau-i, reward, payment, revenge; tau-la, an anchor, to anchor, the priest of a god; tau-la-i, to hang up to; tau-langa, a sacred offering, an anchorage; tau-lalo, let the hands drop in fighting, be conquered; tau-tau, to hang, hang up; ma-tau, right-hand side, an axe; faa-tau, equally, alike; v. to buy, barter, sell; faa-tau-oa, a merchant.

Marqu., tau, to carry on the back; tau-tau, suspended, hung up; ta-tau, to count, reckon; tau-a, a rope, a priest; a-tau, ka-tau, an anchor.

N. Zeal., tau, besided previous meanings, to meet; ma-tau, expert, dexterous, shrewd.

Tah., tau, to hang upon, an anchor; tau-ai, to hang up, spread out, as clothes to dry; tau-i, price, cost, to exchange, buy; tau-ra, cord, a troop, crowd, be inspired, a prophet; tau-e, a swing, see-saw; tau-piri, tail for a kite; tau-mata, a visor, a mask; tau-mi, a breastplate, plastron; a-tau, right hand, to the right.

Fiji., tau, to fall, as of rain, to fall upon; tau-ca, to place or put down a thing; tau-nga, a swinging shelf.

Malg., mang-hatau, mana-tao, to place, put ..." (Fornander)